The recycling of metals has the potential to cut the production of greenhouse gas emissions by 300-500 million tons.
Using scrap metal in lieu of virgin ore generates 97% less mining waste and uses 40% less water, according to the National Institute of Health.
The amount of energy saved using various recycled metals compared to virgin ore is up to:
92 % for aluminium
90 % for copper
56 % for steel
Recycling metal creates 36 times more jobs.
The recycling industry, in general, generates billion's of dollar annually and employs millions of workers across the World.
Recycling one ton of aluminium saves 8 tons of bauxite ore, and recycling one ton of steel saves 2,500 pounds (1134 kg) of iron ore, a ½ ton of coal, and 120 pounds (54 kg) of limestone. By recycling one ton of steel, 40% of the water used for production is conserved, and 86% of air emissions and 76% of water pollution are reduced.
Recycling metals also reduce ore mining waste by 97%.

WHAT SCRAP METAL DO YOU ACCEPT?All types of non-prohibited ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals are accepted.
WHAT SCRAP METAL DO YOU NOT ACCEPT?Any items which is difficult to seperate and probhited items e.g. seprating metal from concrete blocks, expolisves, toxic or radioactive waste.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FERROUS AND NON-FERROUSThe material which contains iron are called ferrous and the rest are called non-ferrous. One can check it with magnet if it sticks its ferrous and not able to stick its non-ferrous.
DO I NEED TO SEPARATE FERROUS FROM NON-FERROUS?Its not necessary but it would be lovely if you do so otherwise we have machines that do for us.
HOW DO YOU WEIGH THE SCRAP METAL?We weigh it on our certified weighbridges and scales.
HOW DO I GET PAID? CAN I COLLECT THE CASH FROM THE BRANCH?You can be either paid by Cash / Cheque / Electronic Transfers as per the customer requirement.
CAN WE DELIVER AND DO YOU COLLECT IF WE CAN’T BRING IT IN?Yes, you can deliver the scrap to the yard or if you are unable to contact our team we have rangeful options to get the material.
DO I HAVE TO PAY A RENTAL FEE IF I WANT BINS ON SITE FOR MY SCRAP METAL?No, National Steel doesnt charge you for the bins.
DO YOU TAKE BATTERIES? IF SO, WHAT SORT?"Yes, we take all types of batteries.
DO I NEED TO DRAIN FLUIDS FROM CARS AND MACHINERY BEFORE YOU COLLECT OR I BRING THEM IN?Yes, all fluids must be drained off the car and machinery before you get it delivered.
DO YOU ACCEPT VEHICLES?Yes, we accept vehicles but vehicles should be removed of all the fluids, oils, batteries, tyres and LPG tanks
DO I NEED TO DE-REGISTER MY VEHICLE BEFORE BRINGING IT IN?Yes, we only buy de-registered vehicles. One can easily de-register the vehicle at Post Shops or VTNZ offices.
DO YOUR TRUCKS HAVE GRABS SO THEY CAN PICK UP THE MATERIAL?Yes we do have but please contact us for your requirements prior so that we can arrange accordingly as per the demand.
DO YOU HAVE BRANCHES IN OTHER REGIONS?Yes, we do have one another branch in Christchurch. You can find it on our contact us list
DO YOU RECYCLE TYRES?Sorry we dont recycle tyres.
DO YOU TAKE GAS BOTTLES?No, we dont accept any gas bottles.
DO YOU GO OUT OF TOWN TO COLLECT SCRAP?Yes we do collect out of town. For out of town pickup one can contact our team to get the scrap picked up efficently.
DO YOU CUT UP SCRAP METAL?Yes, we do gas cutting of bigger scrap metals.
The recycling rate is a very important measure in terms of landfill diversion. Scrap metal has been recycled for thousands of years because it has been long recognized as being a more efficient process than mining and processing new ore. Recycling rates for metal are generally high, due to its value. For example, ferrous metals have a recovery rate as follows:
for cars: 70 per cent
for appliances: 90 per cent
for steel cans: 66.8 per cent
for structural steel: 98 per cent
for reinforcement steel: 70 per cent
However, there is still much work to be done in raising the recycling rate for metals.
For example, a U.N. report has pointed out that less than one-third of 60 metals reviewed have a recovery rate of more than 50 per cent. The report made recommendations to improve recycling rates, including:
Encouraging product design that makes disassembly and material separation easier
Improving waste management and recycling infrastructure for complex end-of-life
products in developing countries and emerging economies
In industrialized countries, addressing the fact that many metal-containing products are ‘hibernating’ in places likes drawers and closets and others, such as mobile phones, are all too often ending up in dustbins
The ongoing improvement of recycling technologies and collection systems to keep pace with “ever more complex products created with an increasingly diverse range of metals and alloys.”